Current certification documents

This page contains the current documents for certification of biomass for energy purposes and bio-based products. These documents have been recognised by the European Commission to demonstrate compliance with the sustainability requirements as laid down in Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (Renewable Energy Directive [RED II]) and have been approved by the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy to demonstrate compliance with the requirements in the Regeling conformiteitsbeoordeling vaste biomassa voor energietoepassingen (Dutch regulation dealing with conformity assessment of sustainable biomass for energy applications).


Sustainably produced biomass
The standard NTA 8080-1 (second edition, 2015) describes the requirements for sustainably produced biomass for application in bioenergy (electricity, heating, cooling, and transport fuel) and bio-based products. Biomass and products made from biomass can occur in a solid, liquid or gaseous state.

Download NTA 8080-1:2015 [via NEN Shop].


Traceability and origin of biomass
The standard NTA 8080-2 (second edition, 2015) describes the requirements on the chain of custody from biomass production to final application as bioenergy or bio-based products in order to assure the traceability of the origin of the biomass. Biomass or products made from biomass can occur in a solid, liquid or gaseous state.

Download NTA 8080-2:2015 [via NEN Shop].


Certification rules
The Better Biomass certification scheme (NCS 8080:2018-08) describes the ‘rules’ for certification against the requirements of NTA 8080-1 and NTA 8080-2. The Better Biomass certification scheme has been accepted by the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA).

Download Better Biomass certification scheme (NCS 8080:2018-08).


The certification system aims at minimizing ambiguous interpretation of the requirements. In case of interpretation issues, the Committee of Experts will define the intended interpretation of the requirement concerned and publish this interpretation in the interpretation document. The interpretation document is a living document.

Download Interpretation document N° 8 or Download Interpretation document N° 8 ‘red line version’ (with changes tracked compared to Interpretation document N° 7).

Download addendum to Interpretation document N° 8 on Reducing woody residues.

Download addendum to Interpretation document N° 8 on Bone meal.


General procedures
This scheme management manual describes the procedure for the development and management of schemes by NEN. The procedures of NEN for developing and managing schemes are aligned with the requirements applied by accreditation bodies associated with the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and European cooperation for Accreditation (EA).

Download the NEN Scheme management manual